Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010 is Here - It's Resolution Time!!

Welcome To A New Decade - Time To Get Organised!

Quit Smoking, Don't Drink As much, Lose Weight, Find A Girlfriend/Boyfriend, Get A Life..

I'm sure these are some resolutions which have been made, and probably broken already. I for one, am a habitual resolution breaker myself, so this year I decided to push the envelope a little fuirther, being a new decade and all that..

This is because I'm spurred on a bit by the fact that I was actually quite organised for the first time ever in my life last year, having actually achieved quite a few of my past-yearly goals, so I'm now a believer of the old 'you can do anything if you put your mind to it' scenario.

"So if you're gonna do it, you may as well dive in head first and go for broke.." I'm currently thinking, so with that in mind, my resolutions for this year are (in no particular order) :

Write, and actually complete a game..
Procrastination has always been my weakness, more so, in the world of game development. I've written so many briefs, sketched so many ideas and planned so many scenarios, but this year, I really must get something out there, uploaded and actually played. For once.

Get back into creating artwork:
I've been a keen artist all my life, although my creative side was beginning to dwindle as I started clubbing more, I think that it's time I put a really thoughtful gift from my wife (an art set, with easel..) to use, and start sketching again.

Music is my life, so why not make music?
It's been said over and over again, I started last year, and again, I stopped - so this year, it's time to really get to work on my musical projects, the studio's ready, the kids are outta the way this year at school, so I really do think that it's about time I dusted off the Korg, sat down and get some material put together..

As with the Game resolution, I'm thinking of killing a few birds with one stone by incorporating my music, animation and game creating resolutions into one big project..

Sort those MP3s out for Christ's sake!!
This is actually last years resolution, and I'm still on with it!! - it's probably the only one I've stuck to, it's simply taken me all year to do it haha!

Stop Drinking.
Yeah right, like that's ever gonna happen..

What have you guys got in mind? - let me know eh?
Happy New Year Everyone!
DK x